Saturday, July 3, 2010

Response to Tea Party withdrawing their endorsement

In order to control the overwhelming response I have received about the Tea Party Patriots of Glendale withdrawing their endorsement and support for my campaign. I feel the need to try and answer as many questions upfront to address the issues surrounding the current information being posted and emailed.

First I would like to personally thank all the Glendale Patriots who have been contacting me all day about the endorsement withdraw. The response has been great to realize just how many supporter I do have in Glendale and the large number who do not agree with the decision.

I made a post on the I-Caucus Arizona page on July 1, 2010 just before heading out to the local gun range for a competition. The post was very straight forward and to the point that I fully endorse and support Jim Deakin for Arizona’s next U.S. Senator. This post also included a personal experience I had with JD Hayworth when I first started campaigning and the unprofessional behavior he showed towards my family and friends. I have every right to call out anyone who thinks or feel that they are above me.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I made this response public as I am straight forward, and I do it as a freeman living in the County that I love. I feel that even as a candidate for public office I have both the right and duty for the benefit and in the best interest of the voters to express my concerns and views about those who have in the past or in the future may do harm to our Great Republic. This is the true reasons for serving the voters is to dedicate my time, passion and dedication to preserving our freedoms as a nation.

Within a couple hours of making the post, notice was sent out from Annette who is the leader of the Tea Party Patriots of Glendale on facebook about the withdraw of support for my campaign.

To all Members of the Tea Party Patriots of Glendale, AZ

It has been brought to my attention that Congressional candidate, Charles Black has been engaging in politically unprofessional and personal attacks upon other another political candidate on the iCaucus website. I verified this information and regret that Mr. Black engages himself in this, especially on a public website. I believe in fact-based debate with viable evidence to support one's viewpoint. A motion has been made by several of our group members to withdraw our endorsement. I have second the motion. I will not place the credibility of the Tea Party movement in jeopardy by endorsing any candidate involved in unsubstantiated, slanderous behavior. I regret that Mr. Black, a grassroots candidate, has acted unprofessionally and indignantly. If any of our members oppose such a motion, please contact me immediately by email or phone. I will be notifying Mr. Black with our regrettable decision tomorrow morning. - Annette McHugh

I am not sorry for what I posted and there is no reason for me to apologize for what was said. I speak the truth based on the integrity and courage that the United States Military instilled in me. I will stand for and with the voters of Arizona both as a leader, patriot, conservative and a citizen. I embrace the true grassroots movement that has caused our nation to finial awaken to the corrupt government that is now at an uncontrollable rate, eroding the patriotic values that our Founding Fathers penned to free us from the rule of England. This progressive rule has included democrats, republicans and socialist just to name a few. I will not stand for a socialist government controlling our freedoms or a RINO or recycled politician that the voters removed for failing to serve them to the best of his ability.

God Bless all the American Patriots and those citizen candidates will to stand against the tyranny.

Charles Black

Constitutional Conservative Candidate
Republican for Arizona Congressional District 2

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