Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday, July 19, 2010

Black Pledges to De-Fund ObamaCare

Charlottesville, VA – Today is proud to announce Charles Black, Republican candidate for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, has signed our pledge to de-fund ObamaCare. Over 140 candidates have signed the pledge, including Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle and thirteen NRCC “Young Guns”. Chairman Alex Cortes, speaking on Charles Black’s pledge said:

"By signing our pledge, Black has taken a leadership position in calling for the de-funding of ObamaCare as the first necessary step to fully repealing and replacing this unconstitutional, job-killing, fiscal train wreck. Americans and Arizonans would have a friend in Congress with a principled veteran like Charles."

Media Inquiries:
Chairman Alex Cortes

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