Friday, July 2, 2010

Notification of support withdrawal

I have lost the support and endorsement by the Tea Party Patriots of GLendale, because I have exercised my first amendment right. I stated my support for US Senate candidate Jim Deakin while I made a statement against JD Hayworth and the rude behavior he displayed to my family and friends. I am an Aggressive Constitutional Conservative and I will not be quit towards those who want to do harm to the United States and our citizens.

Letter from the Glendale Tea Party Leader:

Dear Mr. Black,

Regretfully, the Tea Party Patriots of Glendale have decided to rescind our support and forthcoming endorsement of your political campaign. It was brought to my attention that you were engaging in dicussions of personal matters on a public forum/website (iCaucus). We place the credibility of the Tea Party movement in jeopardy by supporting and endorsing political candidate's who engage in sharing personal opinions (both substantiated and unsubstantiated) on a public website. We do believe you to have the utmost, and best intentions to serve the citizen's of Arizona, but we cannot support any political candidate who does not understand the politically negative ramifications of unthoughtful, unprofessional actions and words toward oppositional candidate's on public websites. We find no error, nor judge you on your personal opinions toward candidates. We all have them. But we expect our politicians to use a higher level of discernment in speaking on personal political preferences and matters in public, when these matter's should discussed privately. We all need to show our support of our chosen candidate's, but don't allow youself to be caught up in speaking negatively toward other candiate's. I personally believe you to have a lot of many respectable qualities which, with more experience and polishing, could truly help you to become a more credible and stronger political candidate for Arizona. My personal hope is that the Tea Parties will establish a training program for grassroots politicians, to better prepare them and enable them to understand the importance of humility and professional judgment and respect that all candidate's deserve, regardless of political biases and opinions. You mentioned Congressman Trent's Frank's actions and how you admired and respected the way he handles himself with civility and honor. I think he would be a great asset and role model for you to follow. Our Tea Party simply believed some of Congressman Frank's voting record to be somewhat questionable and we were willing to listen and consider other political candiate options, such as yourself. No matter what the elections results to be, I wholeheartedly encourage you to remain in politics, start at the very basic levels of public office, gain more experience, which will help you to become a stronger candidate with a admirablel reputation among your colleagues. Your misjudment in engaging in discussion of personal matters on a public website is not the end. You have enough good intentions and valuable military experience that is needed in political postions. Arizona voter's want people with that kind of background and knowledge, but we also need them to act courteously and dignified toward all political candiate's so that we can be reassured that all of our politicians can set aside differences and work together and united for the common good of Arizona.

God bless! Continue to learn and grow, because I have a lot of faith in your future political aspirations. Annette McHugh, Tea Party Patriots of Glendale

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