Friday, November 19, 2010

ALERT - HR 2749 Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009

This bill which is supposed to be written to sell the general public on the basis of protecting our nation’s food supply from harvesting to the grocery store. This is not the case.

Pages 1 -116 only add an unprecedented amount of burden to our food supply. The bill introduces new registration requirements, additional paperwork and testing requirements for our entire food process. It also introduces addition finical requirements to federal agencies to enforce these new requirements.

The only possible outcome to this new bill will be a guaranteed increase in the final cost to consumers at the grocery store.

Page 116 “PROCEDURES FOR SEIZURE” Starting on line 17
17 shall not apply in any such case, exigent circumstances
18 shall be deemed to exist for all seizures brought under this
19 section, and the summons and arrest warrant shall be
20 issued by the clerk of the court without court review in
21 any such case’’ after ‘‘in any such case shall be tried by
22 jury’’.

24 (a) AMENDMENTS.—Section 304(h) (21 U.S.C.
25 334(h)) is amended—

Page 117

1 (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘credible
2 evidence or information indicating’’ and inserting
3 ‘‘reason to believe’’;

Just another way of taking away constitutional rights and contributing to bigger government.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa) has stated that if the Senate version of the bill does not pass today then the House has promised to pass it without making any changes and send it to the White House to be signed into law.

We can no longer call this a Lame Duck session but a Lame Representation session. We need to contact all of our Senate and Congressmen in Arizona and tell them we will not tolerate the continued growth of government.

We already have a good practice of controlling a food borne illness once it is recognized. So why add additional costs to try and improve a program that all ready works.

Senator McCain (202) 224-2235
Senator Kyle (202) 224-4521
Rep. Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315
Rep. Franks (202) 225-4576
Rep. Shadegg (202) 225-3361
Rep. Pastor (202) 225-4065
Rep. Mitchell (202) 225-2190
Rep. Flake (202) 225-2635
Rep. Grijalva (202) 225-2435
Rep. Giffords (202) 225-2542

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