Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DeFundit.org Endorsement of Charles Black for Congress


August 3, 2010


KINGMAN – (August 3) Today DeFundIt.org is releasing the attached letter signed by Charles Black and twenty-five other veteran candidates calling for exempting injured veterans and their health insurance plans from ObamaCare’s medical device tax that punishes them for their service on behalf of our nation. Charles Black, speaking on his call for Congressional action, said:

Dear Members of Congress,

We, the undersigned veteran candidates, have serious concerns that the health care reform law’s excise tax on medical devices will force our fellow veterans that sustained injuries from their service to pay higher costs for necessary medical devices. In March Senator Orrin Hatch offered an amendment to exempt veterans from this tax, but unfortunately was defeated in the United States Senate. It is absolutely shameful that our representatives have deliberately chosen to punish veterans for their sacrifices to our nation. We call on Congress to immediately exempt injured veterans and their health care plans from this punitive medical device tax. This is just one of far too many examples of how out-of-touch Washington politicians really are and precisely why we are running for office this year in hope to provide real public service and leadership.

If elected, we pledge to be relentless in fighting to ensure our nation’s best and brightest are always treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


Illario Pantano (NC-07)
Michael Grimm (NY-13)
Bob McConnell (CO-03)
Justin Bernier (CT-05)
Rocky Raczkowski (MI-09)
Mike Prendergast (FL-11)
Van Irion (TN-03)
Craig Miller (FL-24)
Stephen Bailey (CO-02)
Charles Black (AZ-02)
Robert Braudus (MD-04)
Andy Goss (AZ-08)
Donn Janes (TN-08)
Tom Garcia (FL-24)
Brian Miller (AZ-08)
David Ratowitz (IL-05)
Bob Giuda (NH-02)
Tommy Castellano (FL-11)
Tony Buntyn (FL-11)
Dan Sebring (WI-04)
Dave Evans (TN-06)
Chuck Smith (VA-03)
John Willoughby (HI-02)
Jerell Klaver (CO-05)
Jonathan Paton (AZ-08)
Kevin Calvey (OK-05)

For more information on Charles Black visit the web site at http://www.vote4black.com

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