Thursday, May 27, 2010

Four Arizona Grassroots Leaders Missing In Mexico

Your Prayers are need in a time

Arizona Tea Party Leaders Doug & Linda Ardt along with AZ2010 Project Chairman Ron Ludders and his wife Beth Jamison AZ2010 Project Education Specialist are missing in Mexico. The 2 couples made a trip down to Mexico for vacation. They were traveling in a vehicle with Arizona plates and were due to return home May 25th. Doug and Ron were scheduled to make a trip down to the border to have a firsthand look at all the damage Arizona ranchers are faced with from the persistent flow of illegal immigrants. As of today no one has heard from any of them. The police have been notified and are watching for their vehicle and the Mexico Consulate has been notified.

Please keep these four Arizona citizens in your prayers and pass this along to everyone.

Charles Black

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