Thursday, May 27, 2010

Four Arizona Grassroots Leaders Not Missing and are Safe

American Patrol Report -- May 27, 2010 -- 12:35 PM PDT

Ron Ludders, his wife and friends have been located in Rocky Point, Son., Mexico. His home had been ransacked and they had to move to temporary lodging where the communications was limited. E-mails were sent but not received.

We are glad to know that all is well.

Four Arizona Grassroots Leaders Missing In Mexico

Your Prayers are need in a time

Arizona Tea Party Leaders Doug & Linda Ardt along with AZ2010 Project Chairman Ron Ludders and his wife Beth Jamison AZ2010 Project Education Specialist are missing in Mexico. The 2 couples made a trip down to Mexico for vacation. They were traveling in a vehicle with Arizona plates and were due to return home May 25th. Doug and Ron were scheduled to make a trip down to the border to have a firsthand look at all the damage Arizona ranchers are faced with from the persistent flow of illegal immigrants. As of today no one has heard from any of them. The police have been notified and are watching for their vehicle and the Mexico Consulate has been notified.

Please keep these four Arizona citizens in your prayers and pass this along to everyone.

Charles Black

Arizona Capitol Times Questions

NAME: Charles Black

Party: Republican

office sought: U.S. House of Representatives / Arizona District 2

Primary Phone: 928-377-1030

Home Address:

Mailing Address: PO Box 3782, Kingman, AZ 86402-3782



Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 05/23/72

Birthplace (city, state): Vandenberg A.F.B., CA

Arizona resident since (if born in AZ, answer: ‘from birth’): 1976

Occupation: (provide information for the past 10 years or last 3 jobs; use this format:

title, organization, years; for example: “sales manager, ABC Corp, since 2005”):

Owner / Scuba Instructor, Dive with Chuck, LLC, since 2006

Owner / Plumbing Contractor, CJS Plumbing & HVAC, 2003 – 2008

Infantry, Army National Guard, 1998 - 2007

Marital (married, divorced, separated, widowed, partnered): Married

Spouse (name, occupation): Stacie

Children: Chad, Brittney, Dekota, Cheyenne

Religious pref: Christian

(use this format: degree, discipline/subject, institution, year; for example:
“B.A., justice studies, ASU, 2004”; (repeat for each degree):

Business Management, Central Texas Collage, 2002 – 2005

Criminal Justice, Central Texas Collage, 2004 – 2005

Political experience includes:


Prior legislative experience (if any):


Memberships have included:

PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors)

VFW (Veteran of Foreign War)

NRA (National Rifle Association)

Mohave Sportsman Club

Silver State Shooting Sports Association

Boy Scouts of America (Adult Leader)

HOG’s (Harley Owners Group)

IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials)

Kingman Republican Men’s Club

Mohave County Tea Party Patriots


Scuba Diving



Sport Shooting

1. Who has been the most influential person in your political development?

President George Washington 1732-1799, He has been an inspiration to me personally for many years. Being the first president and refusing to stay in office for more than 2 terms, he not only help lay the foundation of the U.S. from fighting off the British but also ran our nation on the belief that there should not be parties to divide us. Following the dreams and passion for duty to God that President Washington had I am proud to be a citizen candidate that is not interested in the Left or Right but what is right and wrong. I have a strong desire to follow in the dreams set in place more than 200 years ago and work toward restoring Washington’s dreams.

2. If elected, what would be your top priority?

With so many problems facing our Nation all at once, priorities of issues change daily. The top issues that need the most attention are Border Security, the Economy, and National Defense.

3. Name one person from the other party who has earned your admiration or respect, and why.

Senator Evan Bayh from Indiana. Senator Bayh was one of the strongest voices for the Army National Guard in Indiana. His support of the job we were faced with was always heartfelt and honest. His support of banning abortions and taking care of our military was one that called for respect from all Americans. Although I did not always agree with his point of view on every issue, he was a down to earth man that only wanted to do what he felt was for the good of our Country. His retirement from the Senate will only allow him to move onto bigger and better opportunities.

4. What is your position on the Bush Administration’s bail out of Wall Street, and why?

I was strongly against this bailout from the very beginning. I have been involved in business and have had a large amount of personal interest in small business. When you engage in a business venture you take personal risks. You risk your own personal finances; you risk the employment of others through your decisions. Wall Street and the banks were playing a very risky game, the CEO’s were making bad decisions all the while they were taking high dollar retreats and vacations at company expense. Businesses from small to large should be allowed to fall because of bad business practices. There will always be another company out there willing to buy out another company. The United States government has no business spending tax payer dollars to become the world’s largest bank, the world’s largest auto manufacture or the world’s largest health insurance company.

5. What is your position on the Obama Administration’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the stimulus plan), and why?

This is just another wasted political ploy to deceive the nation. While money has been given to save or create jobs there has been no real data to support what has been done with this money. What the money has been spent on were signs along the interstates and highways to inform motorist that stimulus money has funded this project. At one time Obama claimed that more than 600,000 jobs were saved or created through the American Recovery Act. During that time unemployment rose from 8.9 percent in April 2009 to 9.9 percent in April 2010. It is time to quit wasting American tax dollars and find another solution to this problem.

6. What is your position on the recently enacted federal health care package, and why?

I strongly opposed this bill from the start. Socialized Healthcare has failed in every country that has tried to enact the program. Canada currently has a waiting list for special procedures and doctors that almost guarantee certain death before one might receive the needed medical care. The bill that was signed by Obama in March of this year was an unconstitutional law that only created an additional tax burden on the citizens in an already struggling economy. This is a law that needs to be repealed.